How Can “Write Now Resume” Help You?
Seeking a fresh start at a new company? Applying for a promotion? You need a resume! But there’s a problem: You’re unsure how to write and design a resume so that it’s compelling, commanding and effective. (One page or two? Two pages or three? Small or big font? Chronological or functional? Color or no color?) And you don’t have the time or energy to learn how to do it.
The truth is, writing is hard. And writing about yourself? It isn’t just hard; it’s downright painful! Since it’s tough for you to be objective, you may include too much information or not enough—and send the wrong message to employers.
Write Now Resume can help. Seasoned journalist and resume developer Cynthia Hanson will save you the time and hassle of doing it yourself. She’ll save you from the second-guessing that ends in major mistakes. The custom resume she writes will help you get noticed in the short time that employers spend to scan it and decide whether to interview you. You can count on a resume from WNR to include the right content with the right length, style and format to get the job done.
WNR Services
Prices start at $375 for a two-page resume for professionals with up to 10 years of work experience. Cynthia customizes each resume to meet a client’s career goals, so fees vary based on the complexity of the project and the hours involved to complete it. For a personalized, free estimate for resume development, interview coaching and additional career-management materials (such as LinkedIn profiles and cover letters), call Cynthia at 215-661-1724 or email her at Cynthia@writenowresume.com.
Let “Write Now Resume” help you develop winning materials, including:
Resumes: Your career story, professional brand and key achievements customized and presented in the most compelling way. Cynthia prepares robust content and uses contemporary design elements to create a one-of-a-kind resume that will command attention.
LinkedIn Profile Development: Your online image presented in the best possible light to recruiters and employers. Today, LinkedIn is the place to be: An estimated 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn to source candidates for senior-level positions. (And even if you’re not pursuing the executive suite, you can rest assured that hiring managers will check out your profile before they invite you to an interview.) Cynthia crafts LinkedIn profiles that sell your brand and value proposition, while featuring industry-specific keywords to increase your chances of being discovered through searches. She ensures that your LinkedIn profile is aligned to your resume and reinforces your professional image.
Bios: Your career story in a cohesive, dynamic narrative. Bios are recommended for senior managers and executives who partner with recruiters during their employment search and need to supplement their resume with additional materials. Cynthia writes bios that showcase your leadership and management talents, linking them to your value proposition and helping readers envision you in the role you’re seeking.
Networking Resumes: Your professional history edited to a one or two-page document, including charts and graphs that showcase quantifiable results. Senior leaders, whose primary resume may run three to four pages depending on their level and industry, can use a shorter version to introduce themselves to recruiters and other professional contacts.
Job-Search Letters: High-impact cover, follow-up and networking communications. Cynthia customizes each letter to help you achieve your goal, whether it’s introducing your resume to land a job interview, reinforcing your expertise after an interview or making connections with recruiters and industry leaders.
Reference Sheets: Your professional references presented in a cohesive, reader friendly list on letterhead that matches your resume and conveys your professional brand.
Editing of Personal Statements and Recruiter Questionnaires: Your written responses polished to perfection. Many organizations require senior executives to submit detailed personal statements and/or complete lengthy questionnaires as part of the search/hiring process. Cynthia will review, copy edit and revise your supplemental documents to ensure that they’re aligned with your resume, contain the right information and feature consistent messaging.
Success-Building Interview Coaching: Interviewing savvy and skills! You’ll practice winning answers to the likely questions you’ll face throughout your job search. Let Cynthia strengthen your brand and your presentation so you’ll be ready for anything recruiters and hiring managers throw at you.
Click here for your free initial phone consultation.